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Plaza bioinformática en IBMCP

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Buenos días

En el IBMCP se va a ofertar una plaza para un científico en biología computacional. Agradeceríamos que nos ayudarais a distribuir el anuncio en general y/o a investigadores que pudieran estar interesado.
Un saludo
Antonio Monforte

Leader researcher permanent position at CSIC (National Research Council in Spain). CSIC is the largest research organization in Spain, 7th public at world level.
The IBMCP (, is seeking for outstanding reserchers in Plant Computational-Systems Biology and Genomics. Candidates are aimed to implement new tools and novel research lines of computational/genomics and enhance the collaboration with other research lines in the IBMCP by applying systems-level, multi-scale, information-driven and model-driven approaches leading to enhance plant growth, improve productivity, and prevent diseases.
See further details on this call at

estadisticas última actualización: 07/10/2014 19:10:30. por Miguel Burgos © Sociedad Española de Genética